Professional qualification: Basic Editing Course from the Publishing Training Centre at Book House, UK (distance learning) through the Flexible Learning Centre at West Herts College. Professional editorial skills, covering a wide range of techniques required to edit books and journals in general, educational, and academic publishing.
Education: BA International in English and Spanish from University College Dublin, Ireland.
Affiliations: Member of the Editorial Freelancers Association, member of the Maryland Writers' Association.
Relevant experience
Freelance clients have included Smithsonian Institution Scholarly Press; Penguin Random House Childrens; the JM Agency Publishing Consultancy; Town of University Park, Maryland; Springer-Verlag; and authors published both independently and traditionally.
Independently published children's author, 2016–2023. (Middle-grade fiction.)
Technical writer at the University of Texas at Brownsville. (Applications, proposals, manuals, handbooks, procedurals, web site content.)
Copy editor and senior copy editor at SmartForce (now Skillsoft), Dublin, Ireland. (IT training materials, articles, marketing, web site and interface text.)
In-house editorial assistant at Town House and Country House, Dublin, Ireland. (General interest and fiction.)
Selected freelance work
Kika Hatzopoulou, Moth Dark, G. P. Putnam’s Sons (an imprint of Random House), to be published 2025 (YA fantasy)
Eric Hintz and Arthur Daemmrich, Inventing for Sports, Smitshonian Institute Scholarly Press, to be published 2025
Hayley Krischer, You Belong to Me, G. P. Putnam's Sons (an imprint of Random House), to be published 2025 (YA fiction; proofread)
Antonietta Catanzariti and Touraj Daryaee, eds., The Sasanians in Context: Art, History, and Archaeology, Smithsonian Institute Scholarly Press, to be published 2025
Julia Kelly, Still, New Island, to be published 2025 (literary memoir)
Gretchen Schock, Refocus and Reset Your Life, to be self-published (memoir and self-help)
Joe Koper, The Isaiah Fountain Case: Outrage and Jim Crow Justice on Maryland’s Eastern Shore, Secant Books, 2022 (history)
Susan N. Smith, ed., The Tenth Winton M. Blount Postal History Symposium: World War I and Its Immediate Aftermath, Select Papers, Smithsonian Scholarly Press, 2022
David Allison and Hannah Peterson, Exhibiting America, Smithsonian Institution Scholarly Press, 2021
Gary E. Kraske, Montana Maverick, Dakota Emil Press, 2020 (personal memoir)
Julia Kelly, Matchstick Man, Head of Zeus, 2018 (literary memoir)
Town of University Park new web site content and consultation, 2017-21 (online content, brochure text, etc.)
Salazar-Porzio and Fragaszy Troyano, eds., Many Voices, One Nation: Material Culture Reflections on Race and Migration in the United States, Smithsonian Institution Scholarly Press, 2017
Fisher and Ludwig, Catalog of Type Specimens of Recent Mammals: Orders Didelphimorphia through Chiroptera (excluding Rodentia) in the National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Smithsonian Institution Scholarly Press, 2015 (catalog)
For my full resumé, see my LinkedIn profile.
Client testimonials
"What distinguishes great copy-editors from merely good ones, is the great ones also mentor their authors, guide them in their development, and Christine excels at this."—Managing editor
"[Christine did] a thorough editing job. [Her] comments and insights have been educational, helpful, and worthwhile." —Nonfiction author
"Ms Doran's approach builds trust and allows the manuscript to be improve so much more quickly, covering everything from copyediting to structural revision. If you are tired of feeling like you and your editor are engaged in swordplay, consider working with Ms Doran." —Self-published author
"The copy editor has done a very thorough and excellent job in spotting a number of mistakes, mostly small but some embarrassingly significant, as well as providing a host of improvements in the text. We were both impressed with the quality of the copy edit." —Joint book authors
"Christine was quick and thorough and helped to make a difficult task infinitely less painful." —Master's candidate
"It gives me such peace of mind to know that Christine has cast her eagle eye over my work when I have become too close to it to be able to see it clearly." —Traditionally published author
(You can read more testimonials like these on my LinkedIn page.)
"Christine had some great ideas for my thesis that helped me get past my writer's block and fine-tune some of the structure and wording."
- PhD candidate